Motion Control – Tutorial Considerations when specifying a linear slide for a new or existing application. By Mike Quinn • LM76 When a design engineer has fully defined a linear-motion application’s requirements regarding travel length, speed, force, and accuracy as well as repeatability, the next question to answer is this: Does an off-the-shelf linear slide (or a stock […]
Archive for the ‘White Paper’ Category
Motion Control -What To Consider When Specifying A Linear Slide
July 23rd, 2021 Editor
Posted in Bearing and Drive System, Bearings - Linear, Block and Rail Systems, Company Information, Custom Linear Bearings, Custom Linear Stages, High Speed Drive System, Integrated Bearing and Drive System, Linear Ball Bearings, Linear Bearing Seals, Linear Bearing Systems, Linear Bearings, Linear Guides, Linear Motion System, Linear Positioning Stages, Linear Rail System, Linear Slides, Tutorial, White Paper Comments Off on Motion Control -What To Consider When Specifying A Linear Slide
Linear Bearing Engineers Design Camera Sliders for the Pro and Beginner!
December 12th, 2013 Editor
Designed by Linear Bearing Engineers Camera Sliders for the Beginner and the PRO PRODUCTS | CONTACT US | NEWS | VIDEOS | Designer Spotlight | Artist Spotlight | NEW SLIDER The difference between rolling and sliding friction in camera sliders. Mike Quinn Take a quarter and roll it on its edge across a table – […]
Posted in Application Story, Camera Slider, White Paper Comments Off on Linear Bearing Engineers Design Camera Sliders for the Pro and Beginner!